
The 45th Annual ARML Competition will be held on

May 29st and 30th, 2020.

The registration deadline was May 13, 2019.
Registration is now closed. Please contact your site coordinator if any questions arise.

General Information For All Sites   
Penn State (Available Soon!)     Georgia (Available Soon!)     Iowa (Available Soon!)     UNLV (Available Soon!)    

Login (View Only - Registration is closed.)   
Registration Information and Instructions     Background Checks (Iowa, Georgia, UNLV)    
SAT Alternate Date Info. From The College Board     Invoices     Score Sheet    Proctor and Alternates Form   
"Some Mathematical Ideas Used in the Competition"    ARML Competition Rules    Scoring Procedure   
Instructions for Relay Round    Teams That Must Compete In Division A   
Coach Certificate    Participant Certificate    Sample Medical Information and Waiver Form (Penn State)

General Information for All Sites


ONSITE HOUSING REGISTRATION: Please go to the registration building upon arrival. See the "Site Specific Information" link for the location. At the registration desk you will be given room keys, programs, maps, room and proctoring assignments for the competition, as well as other information pertinent to the weekend's activities. During the registration process we ask that you instruct your students to remain outside the registration building to alleviate congestion. The building will be open and staffed as needed on the Thursday that preceeds the competition, and most of the day and evening on the Friday that preceeds the competition.

LOST KEYS: Dorm room keys must be returned to housing at the end of the competition. A receipt will be given for the number of keys turned in. For each key that is missing, the ARML organization is charged a significant fee by the colleges. ARML will in turn bill the individual team after the competition is over.

HOUSING & MEALS: On Friday night, all participants (students and adults, even those who live in the same town as the competition) must be housed in dormitories on the Penn State, University of Iowa, UNLV and University of Georgia campuses. They are all within walking distance of all the weekend's activities. Housing on Friday night and both breakfast and lunch on Saturday are included in the cost specified on the invoice. Only 2 single rooms per team will be reserved for coaches. If additional rooms are needed for coaches, they will be doubles. Please see the "Site Specific Information" for information regarding the costs associated with arriving a day early or leaving the day after the competition.

DORMITORY SUPERVISION: Coaches are responsible for supervising their students' behavior at ARML. The doors to the dormitories will be locked at 11:00 p.m., and each team is expected to impose a midnight lights-out for their students on Friday night. The universities will provide guards to supervise the dorms, and, should any trouble arise, the appropriate coaches will be informed immediately, even if it means waking them up. ARML reserves the right to expel any students who engage in illegal activities or who are blatantly disrespectful of others or of others' property. In addition, coaches should understand that any damage to, or loss of, university property will be billed to the team of the student responsible for the damage, or, if no student takes responsibility, to the team in whose area the damage or loss occurs.

DISCIPLINE: If, at any time during the competition, a proctor notices a student behaving inappropriately, the proctor should contact the moderator of the competition, who may have the student removed. The student may be removed either temporarily or permanently from the competition, and that student's team may be assessed a penalty.

CONSENT FORMS: Please make sure that you procure signed parental consent and medical release forms from all students who are participating in ARML.

Team Registration

COACHES' MEETING: The time of the meeting will be announced upon your arrival to the competition site. At Iowa, UNLV, and Penn State, the Coaches' Meeting typically takes place around 8:00pm on the Friday that preceeds the competition. At UNLV, the meeting is typically at 3:00pm on the Friday that preceeds the competition. The location of the meeting will be available upon check-in at the sites. Each team, or set of teams, is expected to send exactly ONE coach to the meeting so that other coaches will be free to provide adequate supervision of the students.

SCORE SHEETS: Your team will be given the "ARML Scoresheet" at the Coaches' Meeting. This is a tri-copy document that we use to distribute the individual results at the end of the contest. We have provided a copy, for your convenience, of this document that can be downloaded. Please list ALPHABETICALLY the 15 students on each team, one team per sheet. This form will be collected at the Coaches' Meeting on Friday. Bring these sheets to the Coaches' Meeting as well.

IMVOICE AND PAYMENT Please bring your completed invoice and payment to the Coaches Meeting.

INCOMPLETE TEAMS: If you arrive with a team that has fewer than 15 members, you must enter that incomplete team if you wish to compete for team recognition. If you wish to augment your team with students from other teams, your team will then be considered an alternate team, rendering it ineligible for team awards.

ALTERNATES: ARML will create teams of alternates so that everyone who makes the trip will get to participate. Please submit with your team registration fees an extra $25 for each alternate that you plan to bring. If you bring alternates not accounted for in your prepaid registration fees, please be prepared to pay $25 for each of them when you arrive at ARML. Please have all of your alternates listed on the "Proctors & Alternates Sheet" to be turned in at the Coaches' Meeting on Friday. Alternate team members are eligible for individual awards.

A OR B DIVISION: Each student and each team at ARML will work on the same questions, and each will have the same time allocated to solve each question. However, in order to afford more teams the opportunity to win awards, teams may enter in either Division A or Division B, subject to the following provisions: any team may enter in Division A, and certain teams must enter in Division A. Please see the document on the website that lists the teams that must participate in division A.

CONTACT INFORMATION: Students and coaches will be asked to provide contact information prior or during the competition. All coaches and students are eligible for prizes that will be mailed after the competition concludes. These prize winners will be contacted via the information provided on this form. If this contact information is not provided, then that student or coach will forfeit any award that would require contact after the competition concludes.

Proctoring and Scoring

PROCTORING AND SCORING REQUIREMENTS: Each 15 member team must provide at least two adults. One adult will be assigned to proctor another team during the Team, Power, Individual, Relay, and Super Relay rounds. This proctor may also be called upon to proctor the tiebreaker rounds. The other adult will be assigned to the scoring room. It is helpful, though not absolutely required, if this person is mathematically inclined as he/she will be reading submitted answers which utilize mathematical notation.

POWER ROUND GRADERS: A general appeal is made to all teams to provide a person who can grade the Power round. This person should be familiar with proof oriented questions and solutions. If your team is traveling with such a person, please make yourselves known to the Site Coordinator in the days leading up to the contest and no later than the Coaches meeting.

PROCTOR REGISTRATION: On your "Proctors & Alternates Sheet", please note the names of your proctors and designate who is to be proctoring on the competition floor and who is to be in the Scoring Room. This sheet is to be turned in at the Coaches' Meeting on Friday. If you are bringing alternates, make sure that you have a proctor for every 8 alternates or any fraction thereof. YOU MUST CONSIDER PROVIDING PROCTORS TO BE ONE OF YOUR RESPONSIBILITIES IN FORMING YOUR TEAM. While providing two proctors is required, everyone who comes to ARML will have a job: chaperones are expected to help proctor or score as needed. In order to facilitate the management of the contest, please download the proctors manual and the instructions for the Relays, and make sure that your competition-floor proctors read these sheets before the meet. Proctors for the Team Round and Power Question are required to bring a digital watch to facilitate accurate timing of those rounds.

RELAY ROUND PROCEDURE: The Relay Round procedures are very specific. Please be sure to review them with your students prior to the competitons. They are available above.

SCORING PROCEDURES: There is a very specific, step-by-step procedure in place for scoring the contest. This procedure has been developed to eliminate any scoring errors. Working together and following this procedure exactly has been very successful in the past. Those who will be assigned to the scoring room will be required to follow this procedure. The procedure is available above.

INDIVIDUAL ROUND TIE-BREAKER: The top individual scorers, along with the entire audience, participate in the Tie-Breaker Round to determine the top ten individual scorers. We ask that all proctors who have a stopwatch make themselves available at this time. Instructions will be provided by moderator.

Team Names

ARML is requiring all coaches to apply the following conventions when naming their teams:

Division A teams will use the code A1, A2, A3, etc to indicate the strength of their teams with A1 being the strongest team and subsequent teams decreasing in strength.

Division B teams will use the code B1, B2, B3, etc to indicate the strength of their teams with B1 being the strongest team and subsequent teams decreasing in strength.


NATIONAL AWARDS: Nine teams in Division A and seven teams in Division B will receive national awards. The seven highest scoring teams in Division B teams will move to Division A for the next three years. Any team in Division A that has a equal or higher score than the seventh place team in Division B will remain in Division A for the next three years.

SITE AWARD: If a site has no national award winner in a division, then a site award will be given at that site in that division. Here is an example. If none of the seven highest scoring teams in Division A are at Penn State, then Penn State will award the highest scoring team competing at Penn State the site award for Division A. This is independent of the results in Division B.

TIEBREAKING RULE: The tiebreaking rule for teams receiving prizes (top nine teams in Division A and the top seven teams in B that tie) is as follows

Tiebreaker #1 is the sum of the Team Round and Power Question.

Tiebreaker #2 Individual Round Total.

AWARDS ASSEMBLY: The Awards Assembly will begin soon after the Tie-Breakers and will probably be finished by 4:30 pm, EST. All teams should plan on staying for the entire assembly to honor the team and individual winners. Individual awards will be given to the top scorers in the meet and also to the high scorers on each team.